So I have been medicated by my Dr.'s since I was 15 years old. I have been diagnosed with DID, Bi-polar,
PTSD and chronic depression. I am a former battered wife, incest survivor and recovered hardcore alcoholic/addict.
At one point in my life I was so medicated I didn't think I would ever enjoy life again. I was on 7 medications daily. Today I am clean and sober and down to one medication, and almost off that too. I am gainfully employed and raising two wonderful young children. I am here to tell you you to can recover from anything, if you just keep on keeping on. I know for me it has been a remarkable and speedy recovery once I came to trust in a Higher Power. I see where He carried me when I could not even walk, and I see that He is the only one who has ever totally loved me faults and all. Today I am grateful, with no desire to self harm, self medicate or die! Today I see that God's grace is enough for me, and all I will ever need. I wish this for you!