Friday, March 22, 2013


It has almost been a year since my last post here.  :Life has gotten busy and full.  I am learning so much about God and what His wish is for me.  I am learning what real love is, not the love I was raised with.  I am happy both inside and out.

I am still clean and sober, and I have found myself employed with a job I am enjoying very much.  I am learning so much about the  who I am and what I am capable of.  I am becoming a more responsible and dependable person.  It is so far removed from the life I live in the past.

I am taking the time to teach my children how to be responsible and I am doing my best to show them by my example the rewards of being a contributing employed person.  I am limiting their exposure to television and spend  more time talking about important things, like respect, honor, truthfulness,kindness, love and God.  This are the important things to know in life.

I am constantly in awe of the love of God for me.  He has the time to see to it I stay alive.  I can not tell you the times my life has been spared, and this started before I was even born and has been a constant in my life.  Of one thing I am sure, I am being watched over and guided in away I had never imagine in my addictions.

I am still struggling with understanding a lot of what God would have me be, but I am a work in progress and I am going the right way, I am putting on the armor of God and walking as boldly as I know how.
  Where God is there is happiness.